Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Nation's "Broken Escalator"


This is an excellent read that I MUST recommend. Cloudcroft isn't alone in their problems with budget issues. This is a national epidemic that is hurting all of us.

Though the specifics of our situation might not be the same as other school districts, our community's desire to not lose ground and to do what it takes to keep our programs is what makes us truly unique and different.

As Mr. Kristof says "I hear people endorse education cuts by arguing that 'school isn’t for everybody,' which usually means something like 'education isn’t for other people’s children.' I can’t think of any view that is more un-American." I AGREE COMPLETELY!

I still contend that changes need to be made - both at our local level and at the state level - to ensure our programs are effectively funded. For our legislators to continue to cut our budgets while telling us "do more with less" is in a sense telling us "Education isn't for everyone ... make your choice."

It is time to lay aside the pompous attitudes, the narcissistic stances and the ignorance is bliss views and come together. Until we can reconcile the rifts made within our community and respect EVERYONE's opinion, have humility and look forward to the future, we will continue to struggle as a school, a community and a nation.